For a very long time to come, 2021's Oscars Big Night will be remembered. In one of the major categories, three female directors received a record-breaking high number of Oscar nominations, which has never happened before. One of them is Kathryn Bigelow: the first woman to get the honour in the Academy Award’s history, becoming one the the most important directors in the business thanks to her capacity to stand up for herself and elbow her way into the shark tank of cynicism and male dominance that is Hollywood.
Bigelow moved to New York City after being awarded a scholarship to the Whitney Museum. She became a part of the underground scene there. And since she was surrounded by conceptual art, this affected her concepts for the big screen and allowed her to travel the same paths as her male co- workers.
Yet, in 2008, Kathryn Bigelow made history. As Hurt Locker's director, she employed her talent for suspense-making to enhance the war genre. Her movie triumphed over the competition, including James Cameron's blockbuster Avatar, and won six awards, as well as the Oscar for best director—a first for a woman.
With a streak of successes that combine all the essential components of her film, which is filled with violence, civil rights, breaking norms, and sheer action, she truly made a comeback with The Hurt Locker.
However, in order to have a greater impact in the film making industry, it is necessary to increase the representation of women in front of the camera as well as among those involved in production. Thus, throughout a career full of innovations and difficult choices, Kathryn Bigelow has cut a way on the paved, poisonous, and patriarchal mountain of the American cinema industry. Her path is the ideal inspiration for everyone to carry on the struggle for a more accepting and open future for female talent in the film industry.