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Giuseppina Benvenuto

Mara Maionchi: irony as a weapon for success

Mara Maionchi is a popular record producer and one of the most-loved faces on television today.

Her career began as an employee for a pesticide company in ‘59, but soon she made her first important switch to music thanks to an offer in the Corriere della Sera in 1967 as a secretary for the press office of Ariston Records, initially aimed at promotion.

This job put her in contact with important personalities in the music scene allowing her to have collaborations with artists such as Renato Zero and Mia Martini; but, at the same time, it allowed her to launch new stars such as Gianna Nannini. She had a great flair for talents and, once she saw the spark, she moved to develop and find the right path, avoiding repetition but aiming to innovate from time to time. Herself admits in the BSMT podcast that 'hard work beats talent if talent doesn't work hard', because true success over time requires commitment and sacrifice. The luck of destiny only comes once, but if you don't cultivate it with dedication, you lose the gamble of being considered a true singer. Indeed, from her point of view, holding the line remains the most difficult job and it is precisely this commitment that artists must strive to continue.

Being in contact with a team of open and professional people and maintaining lightness is the key to his working environment. The constant conversation is also at home thanks to her union with the songwriter, Alberto Salerno, with whom she founded a record label that obtained many hits in the 2000s, first and foremost Tiziano Ferro.

A long life in music is transferred to TV, in fact, her intuition and her unfiltered speech make her take her first job on the X-Factor, gradually moving away from discography with much faster market logic than her origins, and gaining more and more popularity in the various contests. Today, she has become recognized for her brazen and uncensored ways. Her shameless language darts out with irony and describes exactly what she feels, empathizing with the audience and providing vitality and a moment for thought.

Expressing herself freely is her hallmark, always decides on programs that are closest to her. An irony that also sees her raising awareness of topics that are more distant from music and complex, such as cancer prevention. Mara Maionchi has experienced breast cancer firsthand and in 2022 she hosted “Nudi per la vita”, committed to breast and prostate cancer prevention.

Her entire career, from music to entertainment, is characterized by great passion. A passion that allows her to work lightly but achieve great rewards. In fact, her success gives her one of the strongest reputations in the music industry and gives her much admiration for her frankness, formulating irony as her stamp and arrow in the hearts of her followers.

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